Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kids and Summer Vacations

Come summer and most parents are faced with the question, “ What do I do with the kids the whole day? How do I keep them occupied? Is there anything I can do to help them utilize their time in a more productive manner than watching mindless television or playing games on the computer?”

I personally feel that the holidays are a great time to get the kids to do all that they don’t have the time to do during school days: creative stuff, having fun, learning life skills, reading, learning…

Looking at today’s scenario, most kids only “study” during school days. There is little time for “learning”; what with long school hours, home work, tuitions and tuition home work. And if we stop to think, how much does all this really help our kids in the long run?

What our children need is to learn in a joyful manner. They need to learn life skills, values and cognitive skills. They need to increase their knowledge through fun reading and exploration and what better time for this than the vacations?

To help you keep your children occupied in a fun manner where they will also learn things for life, we have planned a summer camp at The Know & Grow Learning Centre. This year the theme is “I love my earth – do you?”

This year we will help our children to realize how beautiful our earth is and how fragile. We will teach them to take concrete steps to take care of this beautiful planet of ours. This will be done through fun learning activities, skits, movies, team work and fun projects.

The camp starts on the 3rd of May, 2010 and will continue till the 31st of May, 2010. It will be held at Vasant Vihar, Thane (West).

For further details contact Sunita on 9892939062.

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